Revamp Registration Flow for Traveloka — UX Study Case

UI/UX by Bebita
Oct 28, 2020

Project Background

This case study conducted an exercise that is carried out when we are doing an internship at a company. We as UI / UX designers intern have conducted several case studies, and this is one of them. The study case this time is the revamp of the Traveloka web interface on the registration flow.

The Challenges

  1. Provides a comfortable & efficient user registration display.
  2. Creating an informative page display and providing a good experience for the user.

The Result

From the results of our redesign, we provide a tooltip so that the information to be conveyed gives an effective, clear impression and does not give the full impression of the user’s view. We also designed it with a simpler appearance so that it can give an impression that is easier for the user to understand. The following shows the overflow and the results of the revamped prototype that has been carried out.

Revamped Overflow
Revamped Prototype

